I have worked continuously in Further Education since 1987, teaching mostly IT and Computing across a range of ages and abilities. Whilst not ruling out more of the same in the future, I have chosen to create an opening to try out other income-generating opportunities which I am good at and enjoy. I am happy to consider both employed and self-employed prospects, so please get in touch if you think we can work together.
My Objectives:
- Work where I'll be challenged to continue learning
- Give value and be valued
What I Have to Offer:
- Integrity, reliability, trustworthiness, self-motivation, flexibility, hard work
- Management and leadership skills
- Confident interpersonal skills for all occasions
- I understand working with unpaid volunteers
- Years of teaching, training, coaching, counselling and advocacy skills
- Loads of patience, tolerance and adaptability
- Fast learner, used to finding out and teaching myself
- Project planner, able to set and meet deadlines
- Flexible and adaptable in new situations
- Slow and steady DIY-er
My IT Background:
- Heaps of transferrable skills
- Confident and competent user of Windows and Microsoft applications
- Some web development using Dreamweaver, Fireworks
- Awareness and some use of specific applications and bespoke , vertical market software
- Happy to fault-find and maintain common peripherals and systems, install new software, connect peripherals
My Writing Skills:
- Non-fiction articles, freelancing
- Poetry
- Short-story fiction
- Passionate about words
Unpaid Activities and Interests:
- Beekeeper, swarm collector, bumblebee re-homer
- Developing food and non-food using hive products
- Allotmenteer
- Hill-walker
- Wide range of craft skills
- Secretary, Nuneaton and Atherstone Beekeepers Association
- Previous spells in community service roles such as university senate member, school governor, national student and graduate officer posts